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Practice Policy



Footprint Architects has a live environmental policy. This document evolves as the industry develops new technologies.  We are committed to specifying low energy and sustainable materials where appropriate, considering re-use and zero carbon technologies where possible and are dedicated to research and development in these areas.  For full details of our policy please contact the practice.

Health And Safety


Footprint Architects operates a health and safety policy.  This policy covers the statutory requirements and addresses the needs of the practice and the work that we do to ensure that safe working procedures are in place and that health and safety issues are considered from the inception of our projects.  If you require further details or evidence of our policy, please contact the practice.

Quality Procedures


Footprint Architects operates quality control procedures to ensure the methodologies by which we carry out our work are to a level and standard expected by our clients and of the Royal Institute of British Architects.  We have set procedures in place on a project by project basis and these are fully monitored and auditable.  For full details of the procedures we have in place please contact the practice for a copy of our procedures and statement.

Continual Professional Development


Footprint Architects is dedicated to continual training, learning and research in our specialist areas.  This is not only a requirement set out by the RIBA, our professional body, but also a requirement of the practice to ensure we are continually up-to-date with the latest legal issues and contracts, practice management, technologies and developments within the industry.  This ensures that the professional advice we give our clients is relevant and to a standard upheld by the profession.

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