Isaac Newton Academy
Technical School Design Advisors for the development of a new low-energy London academy
Ilford, London
Footprint Architects was appointed in 2011 to carry out a technical advisory role for the £30m Isaac Newton Academy. The new 1250 place secondary ARK academy was opened in 2012 and includes exemplar low energy measures including super-insulating the fabric through the use of SIPS , high air tightness and Eco-Active units to ventilate classrooms.
Our role included technical reviews of contractor’s proposals through the construction stage, progress reviews, periodic inspection of quality and compliance and snagging at practical completion.
On completion of the Academy we were appointed to develop the scheme design and submission of an outline planning application for a proposed ARK primary school.
Situated on the adjacent site of the former Public Baths in High Road, Ilford, the project comprises of a 630 place school and incorporates a 30 place nursery.
The key concept for the siting and massing of the new school has been to create a campus type feel with the adjacent Academy. This was achieved by opening up views of the striking Academy building, setting the new school well back from the approach road and positioning the entrances in close proximity.
Our concept developed over four floors was conceived as vertical infant and junior school minimising the building footprint and maximising the external play area, supplemented by a generous south facing roof terrace.
Outline Planning Consent was achieved in February 2013.
The project was completed and opened in September 2014 and forms an all-through school.