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From reinventing the high street to low carbon, passivhaus buildings in the heart of our community, we are committed to taking action on the most pressing social and environmental issues.

photograph of Durley Chine Innovation Hub taken from standing on the beach towards the cliff


We create spaces to learn, live, work and to be together that sit in the heart of local communities. From boosting wellbeing to attracting customers, our clients’ ambitions are different, but we always think about how the space will be used in the present and made fit for the future.


We can turn even the most challenging sites into amazing opportunities. By carefully analysing the site and understanding the local context, we create buildings that make the most of their location, while respecting and celebrating their surroundings.
This context-driven approach can help in gaining planning permission on potentially contentious sites.


The effects of climate change and extremes of weather are having a major impact on our everyday lives.
We are committed to saving our planet, responding to the climate emergency by developing buildings that are environmentally sensitive.
Closeup of Layered multi-tonal low carbon concrete
Our low carbon concrete uses 80% less cement

We always seek to reduce materials and waste on site. 


At Durley Chine Environmental Innovation Centre we used low carbon concrete – incorporating up to 80% cement replacements taken from by-products of other industries and steel re-enforcement designed out in the majority of structures

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